Innovation playbook

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Experts' opinions

As we move step by step, prioritizing phases like widespread adoption of electric vehicles, we must first address pivotal challenges like accessible and affordable charging solutions.
Additionally, governments must play a vital role in establishing standards for vehicle-to-vehicle and
vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, paving the way for a safer and more efficient transportation ecosystem.
Francis Tan

Francis Tan,Senior Director Digital Experience, Ford Motor Company

I think fall prevention and detection is going to be one of the most important things. We know that falls can have a massive impact on people's lives and there are many things that folks can do to prevent falls.
I think there are opportunities to combine fall prevention strategies and education with fall detection technology and we need to think about making the technology as easy and seamless as possible.
Natalie Barnett

Natalie Barnett, PhD,VP of Clinical Research,

In the next few decades, technology, not traditional financial infrastructure, will define banking. Algorithms will perform most banking functions, challenging us to reconsider the essence of banks.
This technological evolution necessitates a new regulatory paradigm, one that is as technologically advanced as the entities it oversees.
Brett King

Brett King,Futurist | Best-selling author | Founder of Moven bank

10Forward expert group and contributors

  • Francis Tan
    Francis Tan

    Senior Director Digital Experience, Ford Motor Company

  • Giuliana Moroni
    Hyundai Motor
    Giuliana Moroni

    Market Intelligence Lead,
    Hyundai Motor Europe

  • Hidetoshi Kudo
    Hidetoshi Kudo

    Managing Executive Officer,
    Mazda Motor Corporation

  • Tafflyn Toy
    Hyundai Cradle
    Tafflyn Toy

    Open Innovation Project Manager,
    Hyundai CRADLE

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