Beyond the drive:
the future of automotive HMI
Imagine journeys designed for connection, productivity, learning and relaxation inside true third spaces. See how evolved HMI will shape our future.
The connected world
Advanced navigation systems, large immersive screens, integrated voice control and assistance, and Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) have become table stakes in the rapidly digitizing industry.
A smarter, safer ride
Between 2018 and 2022, more than 125 million cars with embedded connectivity were shipped worldwide. Now drivers and passengers can engage with other vehicles and the outside world in new ways.
Are you not entertained yet?
Thanks to virtual personal assistants, streamlined UI and voice control, in-car experiences have become more personalized, convenient and connected to our digital lives.
More than a spaceship
Three spaces—your origin, destination and vehicle. Autonomous driving and car-sharing services will fully unlock the third space. HMI connects working, personal and transportation environments. Sensors, AI, haptics, audio and visual elements combine to create rich, immersive experiences. The car will be more than a spaceship taking you on your journey but a true connector of all worlds.
Truly multipurpose cabins
Dynamic interiors will allow people to change their environment and activities easily, extending their experience through intuitive automotive HMI interactions.
Re-imagined communication
The extension of the car as a third space will create novel interaction possibilities among drivers and across their digital lives through profiles, avatars and gifts.
Tap into new revenue channels
Discover new revenue and monetization opportunities, including subscription options that will enable radical flexibility for users, on-demand OEM services and new opportunities from integrating into multimodal transportation systems.
Our new mobility
Welcome to the future of mobility. Here the boundaries between living spaces and cars have dissolved. Vehicles have become Moving Spaces that contextually and on-demand transform their interiors to best support their users.
A holistic ecosystem
With radically improved efficiency and new last-mile solutions, many commercial vehicles have disappeared from the landscape, leaving more space for life.
Immersive environment
The walls of Moving Spaces are made from nanomaterials that transform into holographic screens. The commute is now a space for work, school, entertainment and rest.
This future is now: discover more insights
While Moving Spaces are a few years away, their foundation is already here—HMI. Preview how we'll help you pioneer this transformation and lead new growth.
Ready to co-create?
Whether you are building connected vehicle technology, AI-based HMI, a new car voice assistant, or dreaming up future mobility ecosystems, apps and platforms, Star can help. Simply fill out the form and get the conversation started!