Meet our founder:
Juha Christensen
Founder & Chairman of Star
Chairman of Bang & Olufsen and CloudMade
Vice Chairman of Netcompany
My experience
Building success relies on two foundational elements: having a clear, bold Endgame and a set of Playbooks for achieving that Endgame.
During my career, I have been fortunate enough to experience multiple successes, a few failures and a fair number of boom, bust and resurrection cycles. Through these moments, I have worked alongside exceptional individuals to deliver purpose-driven innovation that ignites change in the world.
All of this taught me that success should be attributed to two key components: having a clear, bold Endgame and a set of Playbooks for achieving that Endgame.
Think of the path to success as a train journey. Your ultimate goal may be 3, 5 or even 10 years down the track. That is your Endgame. Your Playbooks tell you how to get from station to station to make sure you arrive where you want to go.
But where do you begin? Your first step must be to gain a deep understanding of your resources and capabilities, or what I refer to as your operational reality. Before doing anything, you need to understand how flexible that reality is. It doesn’t have to limit your goals, but you have to learn how to work with what you have to ensure you can reach them.
As the train picks up steam, begin to layer your understanding of market opportunities, changing consumer desires and, of course, your raw ambition. What ties everything together are the numbers. The revenues, margins and cashflows inform you about your level of success.
After iterating, revising, and sometimes starting from scratch once again, you’ll have your Endgame and a set of Playbooks for achieving that Endgame.
I’m not going to lie. It’s even tougher than it sounds. That’s why I founded Star. Our team of expert strategists, designers and engineers are here to help you every step along the way. From ideation through launch and beyond, we co-create with you a sustainable, scalable and focused vision of success. Then we execute it together.
Simplify your path to success. Invest in Endgames, Playbooks and the right partners to guide you on your journey. Start shining. See what Star can do for you now.
How Star sees the world
Created Endgames
with many thousands of smart, ambitious and resourceful individuals at:

Article • April 28, 2020
Meet our founder: Juha Christensen

Article • October 1, 2020
You can only improve a process if you know your endgame
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We are living in the age of design strategy
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Three common pitfalls in digital transformation projects … and how to avoid them
Why Denmark?
External Article • February 8, 2021

Our mission is creating
your pathway to success
Connect with our experts to discuss your ideas
and start building your playbooks for success