Leading by example: gender equality and empowerment from within

Women at Star: gender equality and empowerment R65db5m

The tech industry has never been a forerunner in gender equality. Traditionally, this field has been less accessible to women due to societal prejudice, structural inequity and a gender imbalance in STEM fields. It is time this changed.

At Star, our mission is to democratize access to opportunity and prosperity across the globe by empowering product creators worldwide to dream bolder, build better and succeed faster. Here, it starts with diversifying our teams and our leadership. 

We’re fortunate to work alongside extraordinary women whose stories can inspire the next generation of female leaders and drive meaningful change. Their journeys are an impressive reminder for us and the tech industry that effective mentorship, support and structural change are key to breaking down traditional barriers. 

Women have always navigated uncertainty, undertaken disproportionate burdens and emerged even stronger for it.

Dive into their stories below.

  • Women at Star: Valeria Balaro, VP of Marketing

    Empowerment is... believing in your crazy ideas

    Valeria Balaro, VP of Marketing

  • Women at Star: Jana Kapitz, Design Director

    Empowerment is... about encouraging people to recognize their self-worth

    Jana Kapitz, Design Director

  • Women at Star: Edit Bekesi, Global Head of Talent Aquisition

    Empowerment is... about equal opportunity

    Edit Bekesi, Global Head of Talent Aquisition

  • Women at Star: Antonina Burlachenko, Deputy Head of Quality and Regulatory Consulting

    Equality is... not judging a book by its cover

    Antonina Burlachenko, Deputy Head of Quality and Regulatory Consulting

  • Women at Star: Sofiya Zozulya, Director, Revenue Operations

    Empowerment is... emboldening yourself and others 

    Sofiya Zozulya, Director, Revenue Operations

  • Jennifer Celesia, Head of Star Space

    Empowerment is... inclusivity at every level

    Jennifer Celesia, Head of Star Space


What does equity and gender equality mean to you? We want to hear from you.

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